Iowa Outcomes Assessment Papers

A useful assessment plan incorporates a variety of strategies for examining student learning. No single approach serves all departments equally well. This collection of articles identifies common department practices that can be integrated into a department’s overall assessment efforts.


Painless Assessment Meetings

Three words that rarely occur in the same sentence

Guiding Principles for Outcomes Assessment

Using learning outcomes assessment in academic departments

Developing Department Learning Outcomes

What do you want students to learn as a result of their experiences in your department?

Assessing Achievement of Department Learning Outcomes

Using evidence of student learning as a basis for reflecting on department practices

Bringing Student Voices into Outcomes Assessment

What can students tell you about achievement of department learning outcomes?

Contributions of Advising to Learning Outcomes Assessment

What can advising tell you about achievement of department learning outcomes?

Using Student Learning Portfolios for Departmental Outcomes Assessment

What can student learning portfolios tell you about achievement of department learning outcomes?

Bringing Student Grades into Outcomes Assessment

What can student grades tell you about achievement of department learning outcomes?