UI Senior Exit Survey

The UI Senior Exit Survey is administered to all UI undergraduates at the time they file to graduate. This brief survey asks students about their experiences at UI, their participation in selected learning opportunities, and faculty or staff who made a difference for them during their time at UI.

Thank you for making a difference!

We ask graduating seniors to identify faculty or staff members who made a positive difference in their lives during their time as undergraduates. Faculty and staff members identified by students are acknowledged each year near the end of Spring semester:

Faculty and Staff Recognized by the Graduating Class of 2024
2024 | 2023202220212020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

Extending the Classroom - 2024

We identified five common academic experiences at UI that give students opportunities to take their learning beyond the boundaries of individual classes. This summary reports the percentage of students participating in each:


Report participating in an
Internship, Practicum, or Field Experience


Report participating in a
Capstone Experience or Senior Project


Report participating in a course that awarded credit for 
Community-Based Service Learning


Report participating in
Undergraduate Research


Report participating in
International or Cross-Cultural Academic Work


Report participating in
at least one of these experiences that take learning beyond the boundaries of individual classes
57% report taking part in 2 or more

"I really appreciated how much instructors wanted to connect with students and provide learning opportunities for us.”


“So many opportunities, there was a place for anyone's interests."

Student Responses to Open-Ended Questions

The Senior Exit Survey concludes with an open-ended question. Responses are available to departments on request, and the university periodically reviews responses for the entire graduating class to identify university-wide themes in student comments. This report summarizes responses from students who graduated during the year that the majority of classes were conducted remotely due to pandemic conditions:

Themes in 2020/21 Responses to Open-Ended Questions


“Take advantage of as many resources as possible ... The people working at the university want to see you succeed."